I have
dedicated this
page, and all the pages on my website, to my three kids Alexa, Auddee,
and Apollo. Their absolute unwavering love, friendship, loyalty
companionship have helped me weather the many storms of life.
- All the money
in the world can’t buy the wag of a dog’s tail. -
July 3,
1987 - December 17,
1989 - January 3, 2002
1989 - February 10,
You can click
on any of the four ^pictures^
above to see more pictures of that dog or the group/family pictures and
photos. Although I have thousands of photos, these are just a few
to give you a glimpse.
I have created this
page on my website
to honor and memorialize the memory and existence of my “kids”.
is also my little message to the world and to anyone who happens to
upon these pages.
I have been
self-employed for the
better part of my life. This allowed me to be with my kids
twenty-four hours a day. They went everywhere with me and slept
my bed every night. Maybe it would better to say that I slept in
between them in their bed. I took them with me wherever I
I often thought I would like to put a little bib on them and take them
out to dinner with me but I never did find a restaurant that would
that. More than one person has stated to me that if they died and
could be re-incarnated they would like to come back as one of my
I can assure you that they had a more comfortable life than most people
on this planet.
Alexa was the first
dog that I owned.
From the moment I purchased her from the breeder and took her home with
me, she became my shadow. I was her everything and I quickly grew
to reciprocate that feeling. I often referred to her as my wife,
my girlfriend and my daughter all rolled into one. Although I am
a wee bit bias, I believe she is the finest dog who ever lived.
anyone could create the perfect dog she was it! She was
but incredibly gentle and could be trusted with an infant any
She entertained and truly performed for me every day of her life.
If I had a dime for every time she made me laugh or smile, I would be a
billionaire. More than one person that met her called her a “one
in a million Rotty”. Personally, I disagree. She was one in
a billion!!!!
She was a “puppy” all
her life.
I am certain that it was her youthful constitution that allowed her to
become the grand old girl she was. At the age of fourteen plus,
still had the spunk and spark of a puppy. She was diagnosed with
an autoimmune disease called eosinophilic myositis when she was around
two years of age. This disease affects the muscles in the head,
the muscles required for chewing. She had been on prednisone for
over twelve years. She was an INCREDIBLY resilient dog. The
fact that she lived to be over fourteen defies the odds, but to live
life she had being on prednisone as long as she was, is something for
record books. And, that is not just my opinion. She has
many a veterinarian in her day.
Mere words alone
cannot encapsulate
the special dog she was. I can only tell you that most everyone
ever met her would acknowledge that she was a very unique dog. I
will miss her, as well as my other two kids, Auddee and Apollo, beyond
description every day for the rest of my entire life!!!
Alexa developed an E.
coli infection
in her urinary tract that became resistant to many antibiotics in
2001. This type of bacterial infection is very common in female
I had reached out to the best veterinary practitioners in the country,
but still was unable to avoid the ensuing complications. Had this
infection not occurred, I believe she would still be here and may have
lived to be fifteen plus. That obviously is not the case; life
is a terminal disease. I know that I am very fortunate to have
them all as long as I did!
My Auddee and Apollo
were brother
and sister. Auddee was the first one born out of a litter of
I, as her daddy, was her everything. She was a kissing/licking
from day one. She was a happy, loving, friendly dog, but daddy
first. Although she initially intimidated most people her
disposition quickly put them at ease. If you were around her
minutes it was highly evident who her daddy was. She was a spunky
girl, like her mother Amber,
right till the end. She was diagnosed with chondroblastic
approximately nine months before her demise. During the course of
her illness, you would never have guessed that she was suffering from
a devastating disease. She was one strong and youthful girl.
My Apollo was
diagnosed with subaortic
stenosis early in his life. This is a serious heart condition
effects both humans and animals. Even though his heart had a very
provocative murmur and, according to some vets sounded like a “washing
machine”, he was incredibly playful and energetic. He ran around
like a black cyclone and generally wore out his littermates. He
an incredible love for and fascination with water in every way.
very sound of water running would get his complete attention. He
would play with a garden hose or run down the beach biting the waves as
he ran. A water fountain would have him almost jumping out of the
vehicle. He was one of the happiest dogs I have ever seen in my
He was very dominant but so gentle it was unbelievable. His life
was cut short abruptly by his disease but I had five and one half
years with him.
- Below
is a bit of my
own philosophy -
Throughout my life I
have always
been somewhat alarmed by people who discount or minimize the importance
of the feelings an individual may have for something. That
could be a dog, a cat, a frog, a turtle, a horse, a building, a plant,
a car or whatever.
In my opinion if
someone feels passionately
about or has great love for something that is a wonderful thing!
Who am I, or anyone for that matter, to judge why or for what someone
has strong feelings? I have heard people say things like “I don’t
understand how could someone run into a burning building to save a
As difficult as that person may find the concept, I find it equally
that they cannot understand. The concept I am speaking of is
I believe it is the epitome of arrogance for one person to stand in
as to what should be important to another.
To me, anyone who
does not understand
why someone would sacrifice their own life, or go without for the
of someone or something they loved, must be rather hollow in the heart
department. At the very least, they must never have experienced
love. Would I say they are bad people? Absolutely
But I may suggest that they open their minds and hearts a bit.
A few years ago,
while on the phone
one night with my now departed, dear friend, Lawrence “Butch” Colvin, I
was in tears of grief and pain over the loss of my baby boy
My friend, Butch, clearly understood the connection I had with my
He offered some words of solace and understanding that I still hold
to my heart and forever will. He said, “Philip, you are so lucky
to have had this love and connection because so many people will go a
and never experience this or even know what it is about”. How
he was!!!!! There is much to be said about the quote, “It is better to
have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”.
I wish everyone on
this planet could
experience and know this kind of unconditional love at least once in
life. If people empathized and loved a bit more, then perhaps
would not be so quick to hurt someone or something else.
Most religions and
cultures have
their own version of the “Golden Rule”. I believe the most
familiar and most often quoted is:
“Do unto others,
as you would
have others do unto you.”
I will even add a
bit of my own...
TO DO!!!! period...
To apply the golden
rule adequately,
we need knowledge and imagination. We need to know what effect our
have on the lives of those around us. We need to be able to imagine
vividly and accurately, in the other person's place, on the receiving
of the action. With knowledge, imagination, and the golden rule, we can
make great progress in our moral thinking.
My closing words are
For anyone that has lost something they deeply loved and think that
is no one that understands the enormity of their pain and the magnitude
of their sense of loss, let me ABSOLUTELY ASSURE you that there is at
one person alive on this planet that understands!
During the process of
extreme grief
I understand that you can really get down and out; the depression can
overwhelming. Please understand that suicide is a permanent
to a temporary problem.
The Apronman
Below is a copy of
what has become
known as “ Senator Vest’s Eulogy To A Dog”. There are a few
stories as to how this speech was given. Before he was a United
Senator, George Graham Vest was an attorney. It was said that he
either was asked to make some type of plea to a jury on behalf of a man
who was seeking damages from another man who shot the plaintiff’s dog (
Old Drum ) or whether he actually represented this man directly.
You can go to any search engine and find many pieces of information
this. I believe this speech was made to a jury in Warrensburg,
in September 1870. Through the direction of the Warrensburg
of Commerce, and coordinated efforts of many dog lovers over the
Old Drum was immortalized in a statue on the Johnson County Courthouse
lawn, in Warrensburg. This is supposed to be only a part of the
to the jury and there are a few versions but I believe you will find
one below basically accurate. I would think that most people, dog
lovers or not, would find it rather moving..........
Senator Vest's Eulogy to a Dog -
"The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and
his enemy. His son and daughter that he has reared with loving
may become ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us,
whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors
to their faith. The money that a man has he may lose. It
away from him when he may need it most. Man's reputation may be
in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to
fall on their knees and do us honor when success is with us may be the
first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon
our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in
this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never
proves ungrateful or treacherous, is the dog."
"Gentlemen of
the jury, a man's
dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and in
He will sleep on the cold ground when the wintry winds blow and the
drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He
kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and
that come encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards
sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other
friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation
falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its
through the heavens."
"If fortune
drives the master
forth, an outcast into the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful
dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard
against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene
all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is
in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way,
by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws
and eyes sad but open, in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to

April 2,
2002 - April
8, 2009
This portion is dedicated
to "Scrappy"
who helped fill a very big hole in my heart and soul for seven
He will be missed
Scrappy's Tribute